
Module for Stream class with access to OS files and the standard streams.

The standard streams stdin, stdout and stderr are accessable as variables exported from this module and is opened on demand.

Reference Object module for further details on procedures/functions.


ModeRead* = xlibOS.X2C_fAccessRead;
ModeWrite* = xlibOS.X2C_fAccessWrite;
ModeNew* = xlibOS.X2C_fModeNew;
ModeText* = xlibOS.X2C_fModeText;
ModeRaw* = xlibOS.X2C_fModeRaw;
SeekSet* = Object.SeekSet;
SeekCur* = Object.SeekCur;
SeekEnd* = Object.SeekEnd;
StreamOK*                   = Object.StreamOK;
StreamNotImplementedError*  = Object.StreamNotImplementedError;
StreamNotOpenError*         = Object.StreamNotOpenError;
StreamReadError*            = Object.StreamReadError;
StreamWriteError*           = Object.StreamWriteError;


StreamDesc* = Object.StreamDesc;
StreamFile* = POINTER TO StreamFileDesc;
StreamFileDesc* = RECORD (StreamDesc)
        fh : xlibOS.X2C_OSFHANDLE;
        mode : SET;
        opened : BOOLEAN;
StreamStdIn* = POINTER TO StreamStdInDesc;
StreamStdInDesc* = RECORD (StreamDesc)
        fh : xlibOS.X2C_OSFHANDLE;
        opened : BOOLEAN;
StreamStdOut* = POINTER TO StreamStdOutDesc;
StreamStdOutDesc* = RECORD (StreamDesc)
        fh : xlibOS.X2C_OSFHANDLE;
        opened : BOOLEAN;
StreamStdErr* = POINTER TO StreamStdErrDesc;
StreamStdErrDesc* = RECORD (StreamDesc)
        fh : xlibOS.X2C_OSFHANDLE;
        opened : BOOLEAN;



Open a OS file with given mode (defaults to ModeRead + ModeRaw). Return TRUE on success.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Open*(filename- : ARRAY OF CHAR; mode := ModeRead + ModeRaw: SET): BOOLEAN;


Writes formatted string according to fmt definition and arguments. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Format*(fmt- : ARRAY OF CHAR; SEQ seq: SYSTEM.BYTE);


Writes formatted string from LONGLONGINT value. This is a separate procedure for handling 64bit values due to a limitation in the XDS compiler. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) FormatInteger*(value : LONGLONGINT; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Writes formatted string from CARD64 value. This is a separate procedure for handling 64bit values due to a limitation in the XDS compiler. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) FormatCardinal*(value : SYSTEM.CARD64; base := 10 : INTEGER; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Read bytes into buffer with optional start and length.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) ReadBytes*(VAR buffer : ARRAY OF BYTE; start := 0 : LONGINT; length := - 1 : LONGINT): LONGINT;


Write bytes from buffer with optional start and length.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) WriteBytes*(buffer- : ARRAY OF BYTE; start := 0 : LONGINT; length := - 1 : LONGINT): LONGINT;


Offsets or set the current location depending on the mode argument:

  • SeekSet : sets position relative to start of stream.

  • SeekCur : sets position relative to current position of stream.

  • SeekEnd : sets position relative to end position of stream (only negative offset values makes sense).

Return new position or -1 in case of failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Seek*(offset : LONGINT; mode := SeekSet : INTEGER): LONGINT;


Return current position or -1 on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Tell*(): LONGINT;


Truncates or extends stream to new size. Return new size or -1 in case of failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Truncate*(size : LONGINT): LONGINT;


Flush buffers

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Flush*();


Close Stream

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Close*();


Return TRUE if Stream is closed

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Closed*(): BOOLEAN;


Return TRUE if Stream is readable

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Readable*(): BOOLEAN;


Return TRUE if Stream is writeable

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Writeable*(): BOOLEAN;


Return TRUE if Stream is seekable

PROCEDURE (s : StreamFile) Seekable*(): BOOLEAN;


Read bytes into buffer with optional start and length.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdIn) ReadBytes*(VAR buffer : ARRAY OF BYTE; start := 0 : LONGINT; length := - 1 : LONGINT): LONGINT;


Read CHAR value. Return TRUE if success.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdIn) ReadChar*(VAR value : CHAR): BOOLEAN;


Return TRUE if Stream is readable

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdIn) Readable*(): BOOLEAN;


Return TRUE if Stream is a TTY

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdIn) IsTTY*(): BOOLEAN;


Writes formatted string according to fmt definition and arguments. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdOut) Format*(fmt- : ARRAY OF CHAR; SEQ seq: SYSTEM.BYTE);


Writes formatted string from LONGLONGINT value. This is a separate procedure for handling 64bit values due to a limitation in the XDS compiler. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdOut) FormatInteger*(value : LONGLONGINT; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Writes formatted string from CARD64 value. This is a separate procedure for handling 64bit values due to a limitation in the XDS compiler. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdOut) FormatCardinal*(value : SYSTEM.CARD64; base := 10 : INTEGER; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Write bytes from buffer with optional start and length.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdOut) WriteBytes*(buffer- : ARRAY OF BYTE; start := 0 : LONGINT; length := - 1 : LONGINT): LONGINT;


Return TRUE if Stream is writeable

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdOut) Writeable*(): BOOLEAN;


Return TRUE if Stream is a TTY

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdOut) IsTTY*(): BOOLEAN;


Writes formatted string according to fmt definition and arguments. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdErr) Format*(fmt- : ARRAY OF CHAR; SEQ seq: SYSTEM.BYTE);


Writes formatted string from LONGLONGINT value. This is a separate procedure for handling 64bit values due to a limitation in the XDS compiler. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdErr) FormatInteger*(value : LONGLONGINT; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Writes formatted string from CARD64 value. This is a separate procedure for handling 64bit values due to a limitation in the XDS compiler. Reference Format module for further details. Sets error to StreamWriteError on failure.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdErr) FormatCardinal*(value : SYSTEM.CARD64; base := 10 : INTEGER; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Write bytes from buffer with optional start and length.

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdErr) WriteBytes*(buffer- : ARRAY OF BYTE; start := 0 : LONGINT; length := - 1 : LONGINT): LONGINT;


Return TRUE if Stream is writeable

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdErr) Writeable*(): BOOLEAN;


Return TRUE if Stream is a TTY

PROCEDURE (s : StreamStdErr) IsTTY*(): BOOLEAN;