
String formatting operating on Stream object.


Left* = Const.FmtLeft;
Right* = Const.FmtRight;
Center* = Const.FmtCenter;
Sign* = Const.FmtSign;
Zero* = Const.FmtZero;
Spc* = Const.FmtSpc;
Alt* = Const.FmtAlt;
Upper* = Const.FmtUpper;
YYYYMMDD*       = '%y-%m-%d';
HHMMSS*         = '%H:%M:%S';
DATEANDTIME*    = '%y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S';
DATE*           = '%A %d, %B, %y';
DATEABBR*       = '%a %d, %b, %y';


defaultNL : LineSep;



Format DATETIME according to format string arguments:

  • %a : Weekday abbreviated name : Mon .. Sun

  • %A : Weekday full name : Monday .. Sunday

  • %w : Weekday as number : 0 .. 6

  • %b : Month abbreviated name : Jan .. Des

  • %B : Month full name : Januar .. Desember

  • %Y : Year without century : 00 - 99

  • %y : Year with century : 0000 - 9999

  • %m : Month zero-padded : 00 - 12

  • %d : Day of the month zero-padded : 01 - XX

  • %W : Week of the year zero-padded : 01 - 53

  • %H : Hour (24-hour clock) zero-padded : 00 - 23

  • %I : Hour (12-hour clock) zero-padded : 1 - 12

  • %p : AM or PM

  • %M : Minute zero-padded : 00 - 59

  • %S : Second zero-padded : 00 - 59

  • %f : Milliseconds zero-padded : 000 - 999

  • %Z : Timezone : UTC+/-

  • %% : Literal % char

Other characters are copied to output.

PROCEDURE DateTime* (writer : Stream; datetime : DT.DATETIME; fmt- : ARRAY OF CHAR);


Format Real to hex format.

TODO : Add rounding

PROCEDURE RealHex*(writer : Stream; value : LONGREAL; UpperCase := FALSE : BOOLEAN);


Format CARD64. This is a separate method due to a limit in the XDS compiler where CARD64 is not supported by SEQ parameters.

  • base : Number base. Defalts to 10.

  • width : Total field with. Can overflow if number is bigger.

The formatting flags defaults to Right alignment. The Zero flag fills with 0 of the formatting is right aligned. The Upper flag the hex decimal letters are upper case.

The Alt flags prefix binary (base 2) numbers with 0b, octal numbers (base 8) with 0o and hex decimal numbers with either 0x or 0X depending on the Upper flag.

PROCEDURE Cardinal*(writer : Stream; value : SYSTEM.CARD64; base := 10 : INTEGER; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Format LONGLONGINT. This is a separate method due to a limit in the XDS compiler where LONGLONGINT is not supported by SEQ parameters.

  • width : Total field with. Can overflow if number is bigger.

The formatting flags defaults to Right alignment. The Zero flag fills with 0 of the formatting is right aligned. The Spc flag fills in a blank character if the number is positive. The Sign flag fills in a + character if the number is positive. If both Spc and Sign are given then Sign precedes.

PROCEDURE Integer*(writer : Stream; value : LONGLONGINT; width := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);



  • width : Total field with. Can overflow if string is bigger.

  • prec : The number of characters in string to add.

The formatting flags defaults to Left alignment.

PROCEDURE String*(writer : Stream; str- : ARRAY OF CHAR; width := 0 : LONGINT; prec := 0 : LONGINT; flags := {} : SET);


Format arguments according to fmt argument string.

Syntax : %[align][sign]["0"]["#"][width]["." prec][type]

Where :

  • align : "<" |  ">" |  "^"

  • sign : "+" |  "-" |  " "

  • width : digit+

  • prec : digit+

  • type : "b" |  "c" |  "d" |  "e" |  "E" |  "f" |  "g" | "o" |  "s" |  "S" |  "u" |  "x" | "X"

Unless the width argument is specified the formatting will use the minimum needed space. Alignment has only meaning with the width argument specified. The prec argument has different meaning depending on the formatting type.

Align options :

  • "<" - Left alignment. This is default for strings.

  • ">" - Right alignment. This is default for numbers.

  • "^" - Center alignment.

Sign options (Numbers only) :

  • "+" - Include sign for both positive and negative numbers.

  • "-" - Include sign for negative numbers. (default)

  • " " - Insert space character for positive number and negative sign for negative numbers.

Other options :

  • "0" - With a right aligned number fill zeros to the left.

  • "#" - Alternative representation valid for some types.

Types :

  • "b" - Binary base 2 number. Alternative form add prefix of "0b"

  • "c" - Character argument.

  • "d" - Signed decimal base 10 number.

  • "u" - Unsigned decimal base 10 number.

  • "o" - Octal base 8 number. Alternative form add prefix of "0o"

  • "x" - Hex base 16 number. Lower case version. Alternative form add prefix of "0x"

  • "X" - Hex base 16 number. Upper case version. Alternative form add prefix of "0X"

  • "e" - Real with scientific notation. The prec argument specifies the number of digits after the leading digit.

  • "E" - Similar to scientific notation, but with upper case E for the exponent.

  • "f" - Real with fixed-point notation. The prec argument specifies the number of digits after decimal point.

  • "g" - Real general format. Rounds the number to prec significant digits. Then selects the format givind the most compact representation.

  • "s" - String argument. The prec argument shortens the string if less than length.

  • "S" - String argument. Upper case version. The prec argument shortens the string if less than length.

PROCEDURE StreamFmt*(writer : Stream; fmt- : ARRAY OF CHAR; seq: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.BYTE);


Sets the line separator

PROCEDURE LineSeparator*(nl-: ARRAY OF CHAR);