Stream classes which implements concrete streams according to the interface defined in Type.
- The following classes are implemented
NullStream - Swallow any write operation and return 0 on read operations.
MemoryStream - Allocate dynamic memory as needed for operations.
Some methods are inherited from abstract Stream in Type. Formatting methods are implemented in this module due to the need to avoid circular import in Type.
SeekSet* = Const.SeekSet;
SeekCur* = Const.SeekCur;
SeekEnd* = Const.SeekEnd;
OK* = Const.OK;
ADTStream* = RECORD (Type.Stream) END;
NullStream* = RECORD (ADTStream) END;
MemoryStream* = RECORD (ADTStream)
storage : MemoryStorage;
pos : LENGTH;
last : LENGTH;
PROCEDURE (VAR s : ADTStream) FormatString*(str- : ARRAY OF CHAR; width, prec: INTEGER; flags: SET);
width : Total field with. Can overflow if number is bigger.
The alignment formatting flags are Left, Right & Center . The Zero flag fills with 0 of the formatting is right aligned. The Spc flag fills in a blank character for + if the number is positive. The Sign flag fills in a + character if the number is positive. If both Spc and Sign are given then Sign precedes.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : ADTStream) FormatInteger*(value : HUGEINT; width: LENGTH; flags: SET);
Format REAL.
prec : Precision or zero for default value.
width : Total field with. Can overflow if number is bigger.
flags : Exp or Fix formatting supported.
The alignment formatting flags are Left, Right & Center . The Spc flag fills in a blank character for + if the number is positive. The Sign flag fills in a + character if the number is positive. If both Spc and Sign are given then Sign precedes.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : ADTStream) FormatReal*(value : REAL; prec : INTEGER; width: LENGTH; flags: SET);
base : Number base.
width : Total field with. Can overflow if number is bigger.
The alignment formatting flags are Left, Right & Center . The Zero flag fills with 0 of the formatting is right aligned. The Upper flag the hex decimal letters are upper case.
The Alt flags prefix binary (base 2) numbers with 0b, octal numbers (base 8) with 0o and hex decimal numbers with either 0x or 0X depending on the Upper flag.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : ADTStream) FormatCardinal*(value : HUGECARD; base, width: INTEGER; flags: SET);
Format DATETIME according to format string arguments:
%a : Weekday abbreviated name : Mon .. Sun
%A : Weekday full name : Monday .. Sunday
%w : Weekday as number : 0 .. 6
%b : Month abbreviated name : Jan .. Des
%B : Month full name : Januar .. Desember
%Y : Year without century : 00 - 99
%y : Year with century : 0000 - 9999
%m : Month zero-padded : 00 - 12
%d : Day of the month zero-padded : 01 - XX
%W : Week of the year zero-padded : 01 - 53
%H : Hour (24-hour clock) zero-padded : 00 - 23
%I : Hour (12-hour clock) zero-padded : 1 - 12
%p : AM or PM
%M : Minute zero-padded : 00 - 59
%S : Second zero-padded : 00 - 59
%f : Milliseconds zero-padded : 000 - 999
%Z : Timezone : UTC+/-
%% : Literal % char
Other characters are copied to output.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : ADTStream) FormatDateTime*(value : DateTime.DATETIME; fmt- : ARRAY OF CHAR);
Read bytes into buffer with optional start and length.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : NullStream) ReadBytes*(VAR buffer : ARRAY OF BYTE; start, length : LENGTH): LENGTH;
Write bytes from buffer with optional start and length.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : NullStream) WriteBytes*(VAR buffer : ARRAY OF BYTE; start, length : LENGTH): LENGTH;
Return TRUE if Stream is readable
PROCEDURE (VAR s : NullStream) Readable*(): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE if Stream is writeable
PROCEDURE (VAR s : NullStream) Writeable*(): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE if Stream is seekable
PROCEDURE (VAR s : NullStream) Seekable*(): BOOLEAN;
Open MemoryStream with optional size (minimum size is 64).
Return TRUE if success.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Open*(size: LENGTH): BOOLEAN;
Copy Stream content to string. The string is possible resized and is NUL terminated.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) ToString*(VAR str : Type.STRING);
Read bytes into buffer with optional start and length.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) ReadBytes*(VAR buffer : ARRAY OF BYTE; start, length: LENGTH): LENGTH;
Resize storage to accomodate capacity
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Reserve*(capacity : LENGTH);
Shrink storage if possible
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Shrink*();
Write bytes from buffer with optional start and length.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) WriteBytes*(VAR buffer : ARRAY OF BYTE; start, length : LENGTH): LENGTH;
Offsets or set the current location depending on the mode argument:
SeekSet : sets position relative to start of stream.
SeekCur : sets position relative to current position of stream.
SeekEnd : sets position relative to end position of stream (only negative offset values makes sense).
Return new position or -1 in case of failure.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Seek*(offset : LENGTH; mode : INTEGER): LENGTH;
Return current position or -1 on failure.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Tell*(): LENGTH;
Truncates or extends stream to new size. Return new size or -1 in case of failure.
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Truncate*(size : LENGTH): LENGTH;
Close Stream
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Close*();
Return TRUE if Stream is closed
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Closed*(): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE if Stream is readable
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Readable*(): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE if Stream is writeable
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Writeable*(): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE if Stream is seekable
PROCEDURE (VAR s : MemoryStream) Seekable*(): BOOLEAN;